Friday, December 10, 2010

Class Notes: December 10, 2010

B-block (9)

HOMEWORK: "Street Fighting in Verona" - You are a newspaper writer for The Verona Times. Write an article (era can be Elizabethean or modern) detailing the events of the fight that broke out in the play.

C-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Paradox handout. Working on Act I Questions for Romeo and Juliet.

D-block (9)

HOMEWORK: "Street Fighting in Verona" (see above - B-block)

E-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Connotation and word association handout - in connection with Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet

G-block (Writing Lab)

HOMEWORK: Finish Act I of The Crucible

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Class Notes: November 30, 2010

B-block (9)

HOMEWORK: Bring in two articles - one on young love and the other on a long-standing feud.

C-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: 1. Read sonnets
2. Bring in two articles - one on young love and the other on a long-standing feud.

D-block (9)

HOMEWORK: Read and comment on sonnets.

E-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Read and comments on Shakespeare's Sonnet 18, 116, and 130.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Class Notes: Nov. 22, 2010

C-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Bring in a favorite poem OR favorite song lyrics

D-block (9)

HOMEWORK: Group essay and poster DUE WEDNESDAY, Nov. 24th

E-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Group essay and poster DUE WEDNESDAY, NOV 24th

G-block (Writing Lab)

HOMEWORK: 1. Outline compare/contrast for middle/high school 2. Just FYI, over break, I'm asking you to read 3 more Vonnegut stories: "Welcome to the Monkey House," "EPICAC," and "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Class Notes: Nov. 18, 2010

B-block (9)

HOMEWORK: Work on group poster. All groups MUST have thesis by tomorrow. You can email me at any time and I will get right back to you (i.e. before tomorrow.)

C-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Final group essay DUE on Friday (must also turn in brainstorming AND T-sheets); Group poster DUE on Monday, Nov.22

D-block (9)

HOMEWORK: Work on group essay

E-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Work on group essay. I have responded to all emails about theses and essay organization. I am happy to respond to more. I am sorry for being absent yesterday. I had a terrible allergic reaction.

G-block (Writing Lab)

HOMEWORK: 1. Brainstorm for compare/contrast between middle and high schools 2. Study for vocab quiz on Monday

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Class Notes: Nov. 16, 2010

C-block (9H)
1. Work on group essays and posters

HOMEWORK: Same as yesterday

D-block (9)

HOMEWORK: Work on group essay and posters

E-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Work on group essay and posters; Final essay AND poster DUE Wednesday, Nov.24

Class Notes: Nov. 15, 2010

B-block (9)


1. In pairs, discuss and decide whether the following characters are good and bad. You MUST have at least 2 reasons to support your opinion: Atticus, Scout, Aunt Alexandra, Bob Ewell, Boo, Mayella, Heck Tate.
2. Discussion of characters, of "good" and "evil" in the novel, and of the end of the novel.
3. Group work

HOMEWORK: Groups work to develop a thesis.
C-block (9H)


1. Work on group essay

HOMEWORK: Final group essay DUE on Friday (must also turn in brainstorming AND T-sheets); Group poster DUE on Monday, Nov.22

D-block (9)


1. In pairs, discuss and decide whether the following characters are good and bad. You MUST have at least 2 reasons to support your opinion: Atticus, Scout, Aunt Alexandra, Bob Ewell, Boo, Mayella, Heck Tate.
2. Discussion of characters, of "good" and "evil" in the novel, and of the end of the novel.
3. Group work

HOMEWORK: Groups work to develop a thesis and work on their group posters.

G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Work on group essays

HOMEWORK: Group theme essay DUE Wednesday; Vocab quiz on Units 3 & 4 = THURSDAY; ALSO, please read handout on commas (we will be doing an in-class exercise on Wednesday)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Class Notes: November 12, 2010

B-block (9)
C-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Outline of your paragraph for group essay (for body paragraphs, use T-sheets; these MUST be handed in with your group's final essay)

D-block (9)

HOMEWORK: Finish To Kill a Mockingbird

E-block (9H)

HOMEWORK: Outline of your paragraph for group essay (for body paragraphs, use T-sheets; these MUST be handed in with your group's final essay)

G-block (Writing Lab)

HOMEWORK: 1. Rough draft of your paragraph for group essay 2. Vocab unit 4

Monday, November 8, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Work on editorial in The Maycomb Tribune about the trial

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chs. 22 and 23 2. Complete editorial

TRIAL writing assignment: DUE Friday
C-block (9H)


1. Students work in groups to develop thesis for group essay

HOMEWORK: 1. Complete projects 2. Group essay thesis

G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Discussion of "The Yellow Wallpaper"
2. Clarification of other questions on various short stories
3. Modeling of brainstorming process
4. Groups work to develop a thesis for their story

HOMEWORK: Wednesday: Thesis and outline; Friday: rough draft; Monday: final essay DUE

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Class Notes: Nov. 5, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Quiz TKMB through ch.20
2. "Black and White"
3. Watch beginning of film version

HOMEWORK: 1. "Black and White" 2. Read ch. 21

D-block (9)


1. Journal: Write about the best or worst music video or commercial you have seen recently. Explain why it was great or terrible.
2. Sharing of journal entries.
3. Watch trial part of film

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapters 22 and 23
2. Trial writing assignment

E-block (9H)


1. Journal re-write
2. Thesis practice

HOMEWORK: Write Black Boy theme statement and thesis


G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Reading of 4 new stories and responding.
2. Discussion of "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut

HOMEWORK: Complete reading of "The Yellow Wallpaper" and 4 stories in packet. Respond to the following questions: "Harrison Bergeron" = All fact questions; Ideas #3 , 5; "By the Waters of Babylon" = Ideas #2, 5, 7; "Peter Two" = Ideas # 1, 4

ALSO, check it out... some neat, related stuff:

Film version of "Harrison Bergeron"

One scene from the film
AND a new version (I'm going to try and get this so we can watch it)
A pretty good student project for "The Yellow Wallpaper"
Interesting musical and visual interpretation

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Class Notes: November 3, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Students work in pairs to complete “Life’s value” worksheet
2. Students respond to quotation in journal AFTER completing the worksheet.
3. Students complete as much as possible of “An Epidemic of Madness” worksheet. You will not know all the characters yet, so you will not be able to totally complete the worksheet.

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 20 and complete worksheets from class
C-block (9H)


1. Students work on Injustice Project (LAST IN-CLASS work on project)

HOMEWORK: Written assignment: "What's next???"

D-block (9)


1. Students work in pairs to complete “Life’s value” worksheet
2. Students respond to quotation in journal AFTER completing the worksheet.
3. Students complete as much as possible of “An Epidemic of Madness” worksheet. You will not know all the characters yet, so you will not be able to totally complete the worksheet.

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 21 and do as much as possible on "An Epidemic of Madness" worksheet

G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Respond to questions on "The Yellow Wallpaper"
2. Work on vocab unit 4

HOMEWORK: 1. vocab unit 4 2. Read rest of stories in "Yellow Wallpaper" book

Class Notes: Monday, November 1, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Journal: Why does it snow? Why do we have earthquakes? Why do leaves turn brown? Write a far-fetched, creative explanation of any natural phenomenon (like the ones above.) For example, you could explain how rain is the result of the sun sweating from its excessive heat.
2.Hand back various assignments.
3. Introduction to trial procedure. Discussion of 1st two witnesses in the trial: Heck Tate & Bob Ewell.
3. Fill out Trial Tracking worksheet.

HOMEWORK: Read chapters 18 & 19

E-block (9H)


1. Thesis exercise (Part II)
2. Discussion of end of Part I of Black Boy: 1. Shorty 2. parallel of Richard's behavior in fight with Harrison 3. p. 233 connection to "Little Things are Big" 4. What is Richard's realization while reading Mencken? (words can be a weapon) 5. p. 250: What is Richard's "new hunger"? 5. What does Richard realize about lying? (it's necessary for him; it's protection/safety) 6. Richard not being able to have access to full human experience (of emotions, perspectives, etc.) This is the deepest injustice he feels he faces. Connected to need to lie because he needs protection since he is in a constant state of fear. Living in a constant state of fear means you cannot experience life fully.

HOMEWORK: 1. Written assignment: "What's next???" 2. Thesis exercise Part III

G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Review song analysis related to theme - groups present their theme statements
2. Collect homework - choose a film and go through steps of theme analysis

HOMEWORK: 1. Vocab unit 3 AND units 1-3 review 2. Read "The Yellow Wallpaper"

Friday, October 29, 2010

Class Notes: October 28, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Quiz
2. Silent reading
3. Character groupwork

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 17.
C-block (9H)


1. Finish "The Devil's Miner."

HOMEWORK: Finish Part I of Black Boy

D-block (9)


1. Journal: You know what an orfinbellydorper is. Most people don't. Explain to them what to do with one.
2. Discussion of chapter 17 and beginning of trial. Hand out Trial Tracking sheet.
3. Character work

HOMEWORK: Chapter 18

E-block (9H)


1. Journal: You know what an orfinbellydorper is. Most people don't. Explain to them what to do with one.
2. Journal sharing
3. Explanation of and practice with theme statements.

HOMEWORK: 1. Injustice project work
2. Complete handout on "The Devil's Miner"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Class Notes: Oct. 26, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Scottsboro & chs.1-10 quiz
2. Review chapters 7, 8, 9 vocab

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 15

D-block (9)


1. Journal: Sargeant painting (MFA) - Imagine the backstory.
2. Review chapters 7, 8, 9 vocab
3. Review chapters 14, 15

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapter 17
2. Complete question #6 from FQs

E-block (9H)


1. Finish watching "The Devil's Miner"
2. Alphabet race and discussion/debate of themes in Black Boy

HOMEWORK: Read chapters 13 & 14


G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Vocab quiz - units 1 & 2
2. Go over outlines and begin writing draft of essay

HOMEWORK: Write 1st draft of 2nd character analysis essay

CHARACTER ANALYSIS ESSAY #2 1st draft DUE = Wednesday, October 27
FINAL DUE = Friday, October 29

Monday, October 25, 2010

Class Notes: Oct. 25, 2010

C-block (9H)


1. Vocabulary quiz - Black Boy

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 12

D-block (9)


1. Vocabulary quiz

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapter 16
2. Complete Chronolog

E-block (9H)


1. Vocabulary quiz - Black Boy

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 12

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Class Notes: October 21, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Vocab quiz: TKMB chs. 1, 4, 5, 6

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 12

E-block (9H)


1. Return vocab quiz 1 and Black Boy quiz 1
2. Continue watching "The Devil's Miner"

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapters 10 and 11 2. FQs TO BE TURNED IN 3. Study vocab for quiz

Vocab quiz = Monday, Oct. 25

G-block (Writing Lab)


Work on character outlines (either characters from Salinger stories or from "Crazy Heart")

HOMEWORK: Full outline for Tuesday for grade; STUDY for vocab quiz on Tuesday

Class Notes: October 20, 2010

C-block (9H)


1. Quiz on reading
2. Groups prepare Focus Questions on chs. 6 & 7
3. Class discussion with groups presenting their question

HOMEWORK: Read chs. 8 & 9

Vocab quiz = Friday, Oct. 22

D-block (9)


1. Alphabet Race
2. Debate/defense of words and their connection to themes in TKMB
3. Character groupwork

HOMEWORK: Read chs. 13 & 14

Vocab quiz = Mon., Oct. 25

E-block (9H)


1. Discussion of Ligon image, "Two White/Two Black, #1" (1991)
2. Begin watching documentary "The Devil's Miner"

HOMEWORK: Read chs. 8 & 9

Vocab quiz = Monday, Oct. 25

G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Finish watching "Crazy Heart"

HOMEWORK: Character Analysis Process: 1. Full brainstorm 2. 3 Personality traits 3. Formal outline of Bad Blake or Jean from the film

Vocab quiz on units 1 & 2 = Tuesday, October 26

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Class Notes: October 19, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Discuss end of Part I
2. What are conflicts in the novel so far? What has the focus been? How is it changing?
3. Silent reading

HOMEWORK: Read through the end of Part I

Vocab quiz = Thursday
C-block (9H)


1. Research for Injustice Project

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chs. 6&7
2. Complete responses for "Richard's 1st story"

Vocab quiz = Friday, Oct.22

D-block (9)


1. Discussion of end of Part I
2. 5 words exercise for Atticus, Scout, Jem

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 12

Vocab quiz = Monday, Oct. 25

E-block (9H)


1. Journal: "Always the exception, I see everything as exceptional."
2. Discuss Richard and his feelings: loneliness, guilt, hunger, etc.
3. Ligon image and analysis

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chs. 6 & 7
2. Complete "Richard's 1st story" responses to hand in

Vocab quiz = Monday, Oct. 25

Monday, October 18, 2010

Class Notes: October 18, 2010

B-block (9)


1. 5 words exercise
2. Read and study vocab

HOMEWORK: Read ch.12 and study vocab

VOCAB QUIZ on TKMB chs.1-6: Thurs., October 21!!
C-block (9H)


1. Journal re-write to hand in for grade
2. Think-pair-share with examples of hunger, loneliness, guilt, etc. from Black Boy

HOMEWORK: Read chs. 6 & 7 and complete Richard's 1st story handout

2nd vocab quiz: Friday, October 22

G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Finish watching "Crazy Heart"
2. Work on outlines for character analysis of Bad Blake or Jean

HOMEWORK: Write complete brainstorm and character outline for Bad Blake or Jean

Vocab quiz: Friday, October 22 on Units 1 & 2

Friday, September 10, 2010

Class Notes: Thursday, Sept. 9

B-block (9)


1. Notecards: tell me about yourself
2. School photos
3. Class policies and expectations

HOMEWORK: Review summer reading

SUMMER READING TESTS: Monday, Sept. 13th & Wed., Sept. 15th
C-block (9H)


1. Notecards: tell me about yourself
2. School photos
3. Class policies and expectations

HOMEWORK: Review summer reading

SUMMER READING TESTS: Tuesday, Sept. 14th & Thurs., Sept. 16th

D-block (9)


1. Notecards: tell me about yourself
2. School photos
3. Class policies and expectations

HOMEWORK: Review summer reading

SUMMER READING TESTS: Tues., Sept. 14th & Wed., Sept. 15th

E-block (9H)


1. Notecards: tell me about yourself
2. School photos
3. Class policies and expectations

HOMEWORK: Review summer reading

SUMMER READING TESTS: Tuesday, Sept. 14th & Wed., Sept. 15th

G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Class policies and expectations
2. School photos
3. Begin to discuss summer reading

HOMEWORK: Review summer reading

SUMMER READING TESTS: Monday, Sept. 13th & Wed., Sept. 15th

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Reading

10th grade C1
10th grade Honors


Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin

A Yellow Raft in Blue Water, Michael Dorris
Special Topics in Calamity Physics, Marisha Pessl

Focus Questions: How do these books demonstrate the influence of the environment on the development of character? Each of these books uses a metaphor in the title. Explain each metaphor and how it contributes to your understanding of the text.

A few of my recommendations:

White Noise
, Don DeLillo
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler, Italo Calvino
If Beale Street Could Talk, James Baldwin
Snow Falling on Cedars, David Guterson
Castle in the Forest, Norman Mailer

Odes to Common Things, Pablo Neruda
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, Pablo Neruda
Wild Iris, Louise Gluck

Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey
Cadillac Desert, Marc Reisner
The Survival of the Bark Canoe, John McPhee
Collected Essays, James Baldwin

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Class Notes: June 11, 2010




1. Review for final exam in groups

HOMEWORK: Prepare review handout for Tuesday.
C-block (Honors)


1. Wrap-up discussion of The Glass Menagerie

HOMEWORK: Prepare for final. Handouts by Wednesday.



1. Final exam review

HOMEWORK: Prepare review handouts by Monday.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Class Notes: June 4, 2010


HOMEWORK: 1. Finish Lord of the Flies
2. Work on Devolution Timeline project (DUE: Friday, June 11)


HOMEWORK: 1. Finish Lord of the Flies
2. Work on Devolution Timeline project (DUE: Friday, June 11)

Class Notes: June 3, 2010

C-block (Honors)


1. Discussion of production notes and scene 1.
2. Read scene 2.

HOMEWORK: 1. Read scenes 2 and 3.
2. Choose an image from the menagerie below and write a journal entry about how a particular staging of the play (or playbill cover) relates to the production notes that we discussed Thursday in class.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Glass Menagerie: images

Visual food for thought....

Class Notes: May 28, 2010

C-block (Honors)


1. Discussion with partner of questions from research handout.
2. Discussion of "searching for self"? What does this process entail? What does it mean to "search for oneself"?
3. Consideration and discussion of Tennessee Williams' quotes. Important themes that emerged from this discussion: suffering; fragility; relationships
4. Begin reading Scene 1 of The Glass Menagerie

HOMEWORK: Read Production Notes (important!!) and finish scene 1.


HOMEWORK: Work on final timeline projects - DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, leave this whole project until the last minute. You will be very sorry!

Class Notes: May 27, 2010



1. Presentation of missing scene video mini-project.
2. Discussion of chapter 8.

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapter 9 (QUIZ on Monday!)
C-block (Honors)


1. Tennessee Williams research

HOMEWORK: Complete research and do creative writing piece on back of hand-out.



1. Quiz on chapters 7-9
2. Discussion of chapter 9.
3. Begin reading chapter 10.

HOMEWORK: Finish chapter 10
2. Work on BOTH m

Class Notes: May 24, 2010

C-block (Honors)


1. Savage Inequalities presentations

HOMEWORK: Write the following as a journal entry: What do you think is the biggest problem that Kozol has identified in Savage Inequalities? What possible solutions could you suggest to the problem?



1. Analysis of and discussion of chapter 7

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapter 8

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Class Notes: May 21, 2010



1. Discussion of chapters 5 and 6, focusing on Golding's handling of civilization v. savagery, good v. evil.
2. Work on mini-projects (DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 26!!!)

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapter 7
2. Work on BOTH mini-project and Devolution Timeline project (Do not neglect this latter project until the end of the unit or you will be too rushed to do a good job!)
C-block (Honors)


1. Savage Inequalities presentations

HOMEWORK: 1. Preparing for presentations



1. Quiz on chapters 4-6 (Hint: There will likely be a quiz every 3 chapters.)
2. Work on mini-projects

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapter 7
2. Work on BOTH mini-project and Devolution Timeline project (Do not neglect this latter project until the end of the unit or you will be too rushed to do a good job!)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Class Notes: May 17, 2010



1. Discuss the different outlook and goals of Ralph, Jack, and Simon. Of what are these characters representative?
2. Discuss and collect Close Reading handout for chapters 3 and 4.
3. Students consider their own views on good and evil. Discussion follows.

HOMEWORK: 1. Study vocab
2. Read chapter 5 in Lord of the Flies
3. Complete good v. evil handout
C-block (Honors)


1. Return Painting Analysis assignment
2. Share visual expression projects related to "Life on the Mississippi" (Savage Inequalities)
3. Students work in groups to prepare for teaching units on the rest of the book

HOMEWORK: Work on presentation projects for Savage Inequalities

Monday, May 10, 2010

Class Notes: May 10, 2010

C-block (Honors)


1. View Senior Art Show. Discuss.
2. Read Introduction to Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol. Discuss
3. Begin reading 1st chapter: Life on the Mississippi

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapter 1
2. Complete focus questions



1. Hand back This Boy's Life tests.
2. Survival exercise: what would one need to do? what items are essential?
3. Make master list on board. Discuss survival.
4. Survival "quiz".

1. Read chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies
2. Complete Focus Questions

Friday, March 12, 2010

Class Notes: March 12, 2010

C-block (Honors)


1. In-class test

HOMEWORK: 1. Finish Girl with a Pearl Earring test
2. Complete handout from MFA field trip



2. Touch base with each student about memoir topic
3. Talk about writer's voice, tone, audience, and purpose

Friday, March 12 = p.199
Tuesday, March 16 = p.214
Wed., March 17 = p.233
Thurs., March 18 = p.252
Monday, March 22 = FINISH book

Tests, Quizzes, and Due Dates:
Thursday, March 18 = VOCAB QUIZ
Tues., March 23 = This Boy's Life TEST
Friday, March 26 = MEMOIR DUE

Class Notes: March 11, 2010



1. Review definitions for vocab list #2.

Monday, March 15 = p.199
Tuesday, March 16 = p.214
Thursday, March 18 = p.233
Friday, March 19 = p.252
Monday, March 22 = FINISH book

Tests, Quizzes, and Due Dates:
Monday, March 15 = READING QUIZ
Thursday, March 18 = VOCAB QUIZ
Wed., March 24 = This Boy's Life TEST
Friday, March 26 = MEMOIR DUE

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Class Notes: March 4, 2010



1. Work on Quotation ID Practice Test

1. Be up to page 144 in This Boy's Life
2. Work on ID practice test
3. Study vocab for quiz on Tuesday, March 9th
4. "Narrative Leads" worksheet

Class Notes: March 3, 2010

C-block (Honors)


1. Library research

HOMEWORK: 1. Prepare for socratic seminar on Friday



1. Quotation ID Practice Test

1. Be up to page 144
2. Work on ID practice test
3. Study vocab for quiz on Monday, March 8th
4. "Narrative Leads" worksheet

DNA clues hunted in ’90 art theft - The Boston Globe

DNA clues hunted in ’90 art theft - The Boston Globe

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