Friday, October 29, 2010

Class Notes: October 28, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Quiz
2. Silent reading
3. Character groupwork

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 17.
C-block (9H)


1. Finish "The Devil's Miner."

HOMEWORK: Finish Part I of Black Boy

D-block (9)


1. Journal: You know what an orfinbellydorper is. Most people don't. Explain to them what to do with one.
2. Discussion of chapter 17 and beginning of trial. Hand out Trial Tracking sheet.
3. Character work

HOMEWORK: Chapter 18

E-block (9H)


1. Journal: You know what an orfinbellydorper is. Most people don't. Explain to them what to do with one.
2. Journal sharing
3. Explanation of and practice with theme statements.

HOMEWORK: 1. Injustice project work
2. Complete handout on "The Devil's Miner"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Class Notes: Oct. 26, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Scottsboro & chs.1-10 quiz
2. Review chapters 7, 8, 9 vocab

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 15

D-block (9)


1. Journal: Sargeant painting (MFA) - Imagine the backstory.
2. Review chapters 7, 8, 9 vocab
3. Review chapters 14, 15

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapter 17
2. Complete question #6 from FQs

E-block (9H)


1. Finish watching "The Devil's Miner"
2. Alphabet race and discussion/debate of themes in Black Boy

HOMEWORK: Read chapters 13 & 14


G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Vocab quiz - units 1 & 2
2. Go over outlines and begin writing draft of essay

HOMEWORK: Write 1st draft of 2nd character analysis essay

CHARACTER ANALYSIS ESSAY #2 1st draft DUE = Wednesday, October 27
FINAL DUE = Friday, October 29

Monday, October 25, 2010

Class Notes: Oct. 25, 2010

C-block (9H)


1. Vocabulary quiz - Black Boy

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 12

D-block (9)


1. Vocabulary quiz

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapter 16
2. Complete Chronolog

E-block (9H)


1. Vocabulary quiz - Black Boy

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 12

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Class Notes: October 21, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Vocab quiz: TKMB chs. 1, 4, 5, 6

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 12

E-block (9H)


1. Return vocab quiz 1 and Black Boy quiz 1
2. Continue watching "The Devil's Miner"

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chapters 10 and 11 2. FQs TO BE TURNED IN 3. Study vocab for quiz

Vocab quiz = Monday, Oct. 25

G-block (Writing Lab)


Work on character outlines (either characters from Salinger stories or from "Crazy Heart")

HOMEWORK: Full outline for Tuesday for grade; STUDY for vocab quiz on Tuesday

Class Notes: October 20, 2010

C-block (9H)


1. Quiz on reading
2. Groups prepare Focus Questions on chs. 6 & 7
3. Class discussion with groups presenting their question

HOMEWORK: Read chs. 8 & 9

Vocab quiz = Friday, Oct. 22

D-block (9)


1. Alphabet Race
2. Debate/defense of words and their connection to themes in TKMB
3. Character groupwork

HOMEWORK: Read chs. 13 & 14

Vocab quiz = Mon., Oct. 25

E-block (9H)


1. Discussion of Ligon image, "Two White/Two Black, #1" (1991)
2. Begin watching documentary "The Devil's Miner"

HOMEWORK: Read chs. 8 & 9

Vocab quiz = Monday, Oct. 25

G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Finish watching "Crazy Heart"

HOMEWORK: Character Analysis Process: 1. Full brainstorm 2. 3 Personality traits 3. Formal outline of Bad Blake or Jean from the film

Vocab quiz on units 1 & 2 = Tuesday, October 26

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Class Notes: October 19, 2010

B-block (9)


1. Discuss end of Part I
2. What are conflicts in the novel so far? What has the focus been? How is it changing?
3. Silent reading

HOMEWORK: Read through the end of Part I

Vocab quiz = Thursday
C-block (9H)


1. Research for Injustice Project

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chs. 6&7
2. Complete responses for "Richard's 1st story"

Vocab quiz = Friday, Oct.22

D-block (9)


1. Discussion of end of Part I
2. 5 words exercise for Atticus, Scout, Jem

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 12

Vocab quiz = Monday, Oct. 25

E-block (9H)


1. Journal: "Always the exception, I see everything as exceptional."
2. Discuss Richard and his feelings: loneliness, guilt, hunger, etc.
3. Ligon image and analysis

HOMEWORK: 1. Read chs. 6 & 7
2. Complete "Richard's 1st story" responses to hand in

Vocab quiz = Monday, Oct. 25

Monday, October 18, 2010

Class Notes: October 18, 2010

B-block (9)


1. 5 words exercise
2. Read and study vocab

HOMEWORK: Read ch.12 and study vocab

VOCAB QUIZ on TKMB chs.1-6: Thurs., October 21!!
C-block (9H)


1. Journal re-write to hand in for grade
2. Think-pair-share with examples of hunger, loneliness, guilt, etc. from Black Boy

HOMEWORK: Read chs. 6 & 7 and complete Richard's 1st story handout

2nd vocab quiz: Friday, October 22

G-block (Writing Lab)


1. Finish watching "Crazy Heart"
2. Work on outlines for character analysis of Bad Blake or Jean

HOMEWORK: Write complete brainstorm and character outline for Bad Blake or Jean

Vocab quiz: Friday, October 22 on Units 1 & 2