Thursday, December 3, 2009

Class Notes: Dec. 3, 2009



Journal: Rewrite one of your previous journal entries to hand in.
1. Introduce sonnets - background of sonnets in general; Shakespearean sonnets; structure (3 quatrains and a couplet); internal meter (iambic pentameter)
2. Review sonnets 18, 116, and 130.
3. Play "The Sonnet Game"

HOMEWORK: 1. Read Prologue and work out the iambic pentameter of each line. Follow the example of the 1st line which has been completed for you.
2. Underline "twosomes" in the Prologue. In other words, try to find as many words, ideas, sounds, etc. that could be considered pairs.

C-block (Honors)


1. Journal: How can a person or thing exhibit opposite characteristics simultaneously? (For example, can you feel both love and hate for one person? How & why?)
2. Review ideas of pairs and contrasts in Prologue.
3. Discuss the dominance of violent words and images versus those of love.
4. Read Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet.

HOMEWORK: 1. Begin to complete Act I Questions
2. Write a newspaper article about the street fight in Verona that takes place in Act I, scene i. Include a "newsphoto" (i.e. a drawing.)
** Please bring your sonnets back in - sorry that I forgot to collect them today!!


Journal: What is the difference between a feud and an argument. How can either one be resolved?
1. Introduce sonnets - background of sonnets in general; Shakespearean sonnets; structure (3 quatrains and a couplet); internal meter (iambic pentameter)
2. Review sonnets 18, 116, and 130.
3. Play "The Sonnet Game"

HOMEWORK: 1. Read Prologue and work out the iambic pentameter of each line. Follow the example of the 1st line which has been completed for you.
2. Underline "twosomes" in the Prologue. In other words, try to find as many words, ideas, sounds, etc. that could be considered pairs.
3. Write your own sonnet -- either a sonnet that acts as a prologue (an introduction) to another piece of literature you have read or a love sonnet or a mockery of a love sonnet.

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