Thursday, October 1, 2009

Class Notes: Oct. 1, 2009

C-block (Honors)


1. Journal (creative): EITHER Write about the worst music video you have seen recently OR Write a conversation between a computer and a calculator.
2. Chapter summary sign-up. REMEMBER: When you present the chapter you signed up for, you must give a brief summary AND present us with an interesting discussion question.
3. Summarize chapter 1: Class makes list of significant events on board.
4. Discuss Focus Questions for chapter 1.
5. Explain analysis of book by themes: HUNGER, FEAR, ALIENATION, OPPRESSION and break into theme groups.

HOMEWORK: 1. Study vocabulary
2. Write discussion question for chapter 2.
3. Read lyrics to and listen to "What did I do" (link here. Scroll down - 2nd link is a better version.)
4. Write one reflection about why Ellison includes this song in his Prologue.


1. Journal (creative): EITHER Write about the worst music video you have seen recently OR Write a conversation between a computer and a calculator.
2. Return POV essays.
3. Chapter summary sign-up.
4. Review chapters 2 & 3 vocabulary.
5. Discuss FQs for chapter 2.

HOMEWORK: 1. Write a summary of chapter 3.
2. Write one discussion question for chapter 3.
3. Begin studying vocabulary for quiz next week.

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