Friday, September 18, 2009

Class Notes: Sept. 18, 2009



1. Journal: Write about the experience of making your identity box and how the inside differs from the outside. (Think)
2. Check-in on plan for POV assignment
3. (Pair): With a partner, discuss your identity box. Keep these specific questions in mind as you discuss: 1) What is identity? 2) How much of who you are is determined at your birth? 3) How much of it is something you decide? 4) How much of it is something that is determined by your experiences with others?
4. (Share): Each pair reports back 1-2 interesting points from their discussion to the class.
5. Class discussion of identity
6. Introduction of the artist Glenn Ligon and his etchings. (Today, we looked at one etching in a series entitled Two White / Two Black. Click here for the rest of the series.)

HOMEWORK : 1. POV assignment
2. Continue to work on describing the image we began looking at in class. In other words, write down every detail you notice. Do not worry about analyzing it yet.

C-block (Honors)


1. Journal (creative): 90 seconds: List things you can find in an airport. Writing: Now write a story including those things from your list. Your story can be set anywhere but an airport.
2. Compare/contrast aspects of "The Guest" and "A & P" as a class
3. Thesis work: Workshop on constructing a thesis for either or both stories. (Remember: a thesis is your argument or assertion about a particular theme. To test a thesis, ask whether one can disagree with what you have written.)

HOMEWORK: 1. POV assignment
2. Create an "identity box": the outside of this box represents how others see me. The inside of this box represents how I see myself.



1. Journal (creative): 90 seconds: List things you can find in an airport. Writing: Now write a story including those things from your list. Your story can be set anywhere but an airport.
2. Check-in on plan for POV assignment (If you did not check in with me, please email me your idea over the weekend:
3. Review homework: vocabulary worksheet
4. Introduction to identity: Think-Pair-Share activity:
Class discussion of identity: 1) What is identity? 2) How much of who you are is determined at your birth? 3) How much of it is something you decide? 4) How much of it is something that is determined by your experiences with others?

HOMEWORK: 1. POV assignment
2. Create an "identity box": the outside of this box represents how others see me. The inside of this box represents how I see myself.

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