1. Background and context for To Kill a Mockingbird: powerpoint presentation focused on the stock market crash, the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, segregation in the South
2. Discussion of Depression research.
HOMEWORK: Read chapters 2 & 3 in TKMB and complete FQs.
Vocabulary quiz will be on Thursday, October 8.
C-block (Honors)
1. Finish powerpoint presentation of context for Black Boy.
Here are some links related to the material we discussed today:
- Great website about World's Fairs with info about them and links to much more
- Mental Floss' choice of the most notable World's Fairs
- Another nice website on World's Fairs
- A wonderfully done website about segregation that tries to make you experience as well as understand the issue
- Website that suggests ways to break down stereotypes
- PBS website dealing with stereotypes between Westerners and the Middle East
- Race: The Power of an Illusion (PBS website)
HOMEWORK: 1. Finish chapter 2 of Black Boy. 2. Complete vocabulary sheet. Vocabulary quiz will be on Tuesday, October 6.
1. Background and context for To Kill a Mockingbird: powerpoint presentation focused on the stock market crash, the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, segregation in the South
HOMEWORK: 1. Read handout on Harper Lee and the Depression 2. Research the Depression and write about what you would image life to be like back then (handout).